

Friday, November 20, 2015

Oppression is shown in "To Kill a Mockingbird" because in chapter 2 page 28, Miss Caroline says:

"Jean Louise I've had enough of you this morning. You're starting off on the wrong foot in every way, my dear. Hold out your hand."

Miss Caroline then beats Scout with a ruler on her hand for simply telling Miss Caroline that Walter did not have enough money for lunch. Miss Caroline was wrong for this and only beat Scout because she had the authority and because she did not like her.

Later that chapter, Miss Caroline is put in her place by another teacher because Miss Caroline's teaching method was not good. Miss Caroline deserves this and needed this lesson because if she had not gotten it, she probably would not have stop being the horrible teacher that she is.

After class Scout sees Miss Caroline with her head down in shame because she was critisized. Scout shows sassieness by saying "She was a pretty little thing." When I read this I could not hel but to laugh out loud.

Oppression is seen all throughout the book.


  1. I agree that oppression is seen through out the book and that Miss Caroline is a lighter foreshadowing to the major oppression yet to come.

  2. you are right this shows oppression because Ms.Caroline uses her power to punish people with less just for embarrassing her.
